Unit B4S, 4th Floor
Copeland Industrial Park
133 Copeland Road, Peckam, SE 15 3SN
Reception: From 18:30 at The Rye Hotel on Saturday 27 March.
31 Pecham Rye, Peckam, London, SE 15 3NX.
Plus the launch of Shelf, an illustrated catalogue of all participating artists, with an essay by Sion Parkinson - here for a preview.
This catalogue has been published to accompany the exhibition/exercise, "shelf", taking place in London, March 27-28th, 2010. Various artists have been asked to create a work which deals with, rests on, engages with, speaks about, or actually is, a shelf. There are 45 artists represented within these pages, with each artist submitting a responsive text and image in regards to their ideas about "shelf".
I am unpacking my library. Yes, I am. The books are not yet on the shelves, not yet touched by the mild boredom of order. I cannot march up and down their ranks to pass them in review before a friendly audience. You need not fear any of that. Instead, I must ask you to join me in the disorder of crates that have been wrenched open, the air saturated with the dust of volumes that are seeing daylight again after two years of darkness, so that you may be ready to share with me a bit of the mood – it is certainly not an elegiac mood, but, rather, one of anticipation –
from Unpacking My Library, Walter Benjamin
Fifty artists have been asked to create a work that deals with, rests on, engages with, speaks about, or actually is, a shelf.
Artists: Thorbjorn andersen, Jenny Baines, Metod Blejec, Riley Brewster, Zoe Brown, Clare Bryan, Juliana Cerqueria Leite, Stuart Chubb, Louise Colbourne, Caroline de Lannoy, Faith Edwards, Sean Edwards, Jamie George, Maria Glyka, Jenny Heisman, David Henningham, Jim Hobbs, Max Holdaway, Caroline Isgar, Tess Jaray, James Keith, Liane Lang, Tom Lomax, Jt Lowen, Denis Masi, Morgan Mckeehan, Sarah Mclaren, Suzanne Mooney, Rie Nakajima, Martin Newrth, Flore Nove-josserand, Sion Parkinson, Lisa Peachey, Ellie Reid, Hephzihen Rendle-short, Alex Robbins, Marie Roux, Hua Kuan Sai, Marina Schmuker, Wendy Smith, Finley Taylor, Anu Turunen, Vassilis Vlastaras, Ruo Bing Wang, Richard Whicby, Aethan Wills, Gary Woodley.
For more detailed directions, or if you aren't able to locate the space once in Pecham, please ring Jim Hobbs on 07737 472532